REPRODUCED OUTLINES - Worksheet and Form

The outlines of valves which have been subjected to EFA can be reproduced using their Fourier coefficients. Outline reproduction involves two worksheets:

(1) the selection of outlines from the EFAResults worksheet, and (2) the display of the reproduced outlines on the ReproOutl worksheet.

This section permits either the reproduction of a single valve outline or a set of valve outlines facilitating a shape comparison among outlines for a select number of harmonics.



Selection of valve (specimen) outlines to reproduce from EFAResults Worksheet

Valve outlines are selected for reproduction by placing an "x" (or "X") in their row in column A on the EFAResults worksheet. Make sure you enter "Return" to complete the entering of the "x" into the worksheet cell or the program will not run when you subsequently click on Reproduce. The selected valves need not be contiguous. Up to and including 25 outlines can be reproduced at a time. If there are more than 25 selected outlines selected, then only the first 25 from the top of the worksheet will be reproduced.

On the Reproduced Outlines Form (image below) the Clear button in the "Clear Previous Valve Selections" Frame clears all x's from column A on the EFAResults worksheet..

ReproOutl Worksheet & Reproduced Outlines Form

Before each set of selected outlines is reproduced, all outline information on the ReproOutline worksheet is cleared in the first 50 columns, i.e., columns A to AX. So, reproduced outlines cannot be stored in this section of the worksheet. However, they can be copied to either columns beyond column AX on this worksheet or to a new worksheet using standard Excel copy and paste tools. Do not, however, rename this "ReproOutl" worksheet.








In the Outline Reproduction Frame on the Reproduced Outlines Form, set the number of points to be included in the reproduced outlines from 20 to 400. This number will apply to all outlines reproduced and is not constrained by the number of points in the original or smoothed-and-sampled outline.

In the Outline Reproduction Frame, set the number of harmonics to be used in reproducing the outline. If fewer than the number of harmonics entered here are available for an outline, then that outline is reproduced with the maximum number of harmonics available. For example, if 10 harmonics were extracted for a valve, but you have set the number of harmonics for reproduction at 20, then it will be reproduced with 10, which is the maximum for that valve.

The reproduced valve outlines in the embedded chart are color-coded to match the colors in row 13 on the ReproOutl worksheet (see chart of top of this page). Mousing over an outline point will also generate a tool-tip indicating the columns on the worksheet from which the data are derived.

Click on Reproduce on the Outline Reproduction Frame to reproduce the selected outlines. T

The embedded chart on the ReproOutl worksheet (top of this page) displays a maximum of 25 reproduced outlines, that is, those for outlines in columns A to AX. This is not a special chart, so the user is free to alter it using standard Excel tools; it is simply linked to the first 50 columns on the worksheet. You are free to extend the range of columns included in the chart beyond AX. Should this chart be deleted, simply create a new one, or create several. The programs provides the data for making the graphs but leaves the graphs up to the users and their creativity with Excel. There is no automatic scale adjustment in these graphs; this adjustment is left up to the user, but keep it square of you will distort your outlines.

Created 20 March 2007, updated 1 July 2009 RKE