Elliptical Fourier Analysis - Schmittbuhl et al. (2003) Elliptical Descriptors

On the EllipDescr worksheet each row contains the data for a single valve (specimen).

Columns A to K contain basic valve (specimen) identification, processing and properties information.
Length (column G) is based on the difference in the maximum and minimum x-coordinate values of specimens, Specimens should be rotated so their "long" axis is parallel to the x-axis.
Area (column H) is calculating using Eves' (1972).

Columns L onwards list the elliptical descriptors of Schmittbuhl et al. (2003). Results are arrayed in sets of 6 descriptors for each ellipse:

s-maj: "the half-length of the semi-major axis of the ... ellipse"
s-min: "the half-length of the semi-minor axis of the ... ellipse"
theta: "angle of rotation determining the orientation of the major axis of the ... ellipse with the axis of the original coordinates"
phase: "angle of phase corresponding to the position of the points on the ... ellipse"
size: "size of the ellipse, proportional to the product of the half-lengths of the axes"
aniso: "anisotropy of the ellipse characterized by the ratio of half-lengths of the axes" (major:minor)

CartesianDiatom-EFA does not currently provide a means to reproduce outlines from these descriptors.

.Updated 6 July 2009 RKE